Today, this dream made me think about my life SINCE high school. Well, I'll sum it up. I graduated, went to college, did theatre at various levels, went on a mission for my church, did some more college, met my husband, got married, tried to have children, actually HAD children, and am currently trying to not screw them up.
My life since high school can be summed up in a paragraph. Perhaps this is why I am still dreaming of high school! I haven't changed a lot, and yet I have changed enough that I feel like a totally different person since those days of gossip, drama, and perfume fights in a store. One thing that has NOT changed is my insecurity about my body.
The skirt looked like this. Mine was green. |
Today, I remembered about my very first post as The Healthy Redhead. I was SO SCARED! I had put my "Before" pictures up on the internet and I was FREAKING OUT! Now, I am HAPPILY married, but what if the cute boy from HIGH SCHOOL saw these pictures! What would HE think? What about the boy from college that I had a crush on? What about my friends from high school. Then, I remembered a conversation that I had with one particular friend.
We were in the mall and I saw a lady that was quite overweight. Her clothes were too tight and she was riding up the escalator. I turned to my friend, and in the tone of a true, hurtful, teenager, I said "If I ever get like THAT, shoot me." We laughed and laughed and she told me that she would not let me get that way. Off we went to try on our cute little clothes with some cute little shoes and eat our cute little pretzel bites and go on our cute little way. Friends. I BECAME that lady. Every day, I wish that I could go back to that lady in the mall and say "You don't know me, but I was really mean to you! I'm sorry. I UNDERSTAND now."
I have read blogs that are HATEFUL towards overweight people. I see comments all the time. I'm sure that you all remember THIS.
How many have seen this?
Is it really the case that ALL OF US don't progress past high school? Can we all sum up our life SINCE then in just one paragraph and therefore spend our time fulfilling our lives by STILL putting others down? I walked into a room today at church where one of the ladies there said to me "You were a topic of conversation a minute ago." I know what was being said was not mean or hurtful. But when she said that to me, my heart skipped a beat. I was scared and nervous that not-so-nice words were being said about me. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? HOW TEENAGER IS THAT?

I am SO SICK of that! All of this contributed to my starting The Healthy Redhead. I wanted a place where I could go and feel comfortable. I wanted others to feel comfortable sharing their stories. Not only did I want to feel healthier physically, I wanted to feel healthier emotionally and spiritually as well. I needed confidence, friendship, and positive people in my life. And, I got it! BOY, did I get it!
I have been on an amazing journey over the past four months. So many of you have shared your stories with me via Facebook message or email, or in person. I am inspired by this. I am inspired by all of you that are looking to better your life. Whether you are looking to be healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, you all inspire me.
Let all of US help YOU. Invite friends and family members to join the page and don't be afraid to post. I WANT to hear what you are doing every day to become healthier in some way. Ask questions! There are a ton of us around that could answer! This isn't high school. This isn't a click. We don't judge here. We just smile, laugh, and support each other. This journey is no longer just about me, I get embarrassed being the only one that ever posts anything! ;) And, you don't have to be a redhead to be a part of our group! ;)
It's natural to be insecure. It's natural to compare yourself to others. It's natural to worry about what others will think. I'm just not so sure that it's healthy. What IS healthy is to build your self esteem, support others in their endeavors and be truly happy for them, and genuinely build your friendships. The best friendships that you will build in your life are those from people that climb the mountains with you, not the ones that tell you whether you look good doing it or tell you how. Nope, true friendships are made through shared experiences.
We are not in high school anymore! Woo Hoo!!
Much love to all!
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