This week, we are going to:
Eat when you are hungry: Go ahead. EAT! Give yourself permission to do this! I have discussed this in greater detail HERE. Just make sure that you are really hungry, not eating as a solution to something other than hunger.Make each meal a separate event from life: When we eat while on the go, we sometimes don't even realize that we are eating. This can lead to OVER eating, and not recognizing when we are satisfied. When meals are a separate experience from life, we take the time to relax, slow down, and enjoy the experience. I even add something special to each meal. Sometimes, I drink water from a nice glass, or I use my nice dishes, or I might add a piece of dark chocolate and raspberries to the end of the meal. Whatever you choose to do, make the meal an experience. It may seem daunting and overwhelming, but it will make a difference, I promise. And, your health is worth it! I'm not asking you to track calories, I'm asking you to eat a REAL MEAL.
Eat at a table: This seems easier than it actually is. Trust me. Even if you are eating by yourself. Don't eat in front of the TV, or standing at the counter (guilty!) But, SIT DOWN, relax, eat at a table like a civilized human! Trust me, you will soon be addicted to the slower pace, break from life, that comes from this.
Slow down: Chew slower. Take a chance to smell the food before you put it in your mouth. Try and taste all of the spices or the natural flavor of the food. What is it that you like about the food? NOTICE that you are eating! If you are eating with others, enjoy their company. Take smaller bites, and don't talk with your mouth full! Sheesh!

If you are looking to start the challenge from the beginning: CLICK HERE.
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